Welcome to
Andressa Beauty Studio

Andressa beauty Studio is the place for progressive skin rejuvenating and skin improving treatments.

Are you suffering from pigment spots, coarse pores, skin aging, wrinkles or other imperfections? Or do you just want to maintain your skin optimally? At Andressa Beauty Studio you find the best skin renewing treatments, expert advice and personal care. We offer a suitable solution for every skin and every skin problem.

As a Andressa beauty studio we bring to the you the best-elaborated protocols possible with thecniques not only known in The Netherlands but also with a mix of Brazil, that wants to provide the best service e quality for every client.

Each treatment is unique experience in which a moment for yourself and radiant skin are central. The beauty space only works with high-quality products to ensure the quality of the treatments. You are in good hands with a qualified beautician.

To see all services and the price list click the button below to access the price list section.



Deep Cleansing
Facial: The Secret for
a Beautiful Skin

Deep cleansing facials are for everyone. They’re for teenagers and adults who want to reduce the appearance of large pores and improve the smoothness of their skin. Your skin takes a beating throughout your lifetime. Sun damage, environmental toxins, and aging can all combine to make your skin look tired. Excess oils, dead skin cells, and debris can clog your pores, causing blemishes and skin irritation.

Most professionals recommend deep cleansing facial at least once a month or every 4-6 weeks.

Furthermore, this type of facial is considered the best solution to achieve a clear, radiant complexion.

What are the benefits of
a deep cleansing facial?

There are many benefits you and your skin will enjoy from a deep cleansing facial, including:

Removal of toxins and debris clinging to the surface of your skin.

A boost in blood flow to your skin, improving skin tone.

Smoother, younger-looking skin, to improve skin texture.

Acne Management - Regular facials can help exfoliate the skin, reduce inflammation, and remove black and whiteheads, aiding in clearer skin.

Photo before and after
Deep cleansing skin with treatments

Our skin cleansing takes a total of 01:30 to 2:00 time due to the treatments with technology and high quality professional products to have the best result. Among them we will use ultrasonic peeling, diamond peeling, high frequency, led therapy and revitalizing masks and more. Below this we will talk precisely about the functionality of some of them.

We also have a simple skin cleansing with professional products, acne extraction or removing imperfections and a revitalizing facial mask. This lasts around 01:00 time.

Feel comfortable and book an appointment with our skilled aesthetician and get ready to unveil brighter, more vibrant-looking skin.

What does the Diamond Peel do for the skin?

The Diamond Peel gently, safely removes the outer layers of the stratum corneum, and any debris on the skin such as surface blackheads, whiteheads, oil and dirt. The Diamond Peel is excellent for anyone whose skin is dull, flaky, dry, and anyone with clogged pores. The Diamond Peel can also help improve the appearance of brown pigment spots and wrinkles, and can also help patients with mild to moderate acne by opening up the pores and allowing them to breathe.

Ultrasonic peeling

Ultrasonic therapy uses sound waves that work to gently and non-invasively to deeply cleanse, exfoliate and refresh the skin. This electrical treatment sends vibrations that helps to loosen and lift out sebum, blackheads and dead skin cells for a facial refresh.

What is High Frequency Facial Treatment?

High Frequency Facial Treatment is a non-invasive therapy that uses a high-frequency electrical current to stimulate the skin’s natural healing process. The treatment can help reduce inflammation, kill bacteria, and regenerate collagen, resulting in smoother, healthier-looking skin. The electrical current is applied to the skin via a glass electrode wand, which emits a mild current to the surface of the skin.

What is Led Light Therapy and benefits?

LED light therapy is mainly focused on skincare, promoting anti-aging effects and reducing inflammation. The purported benefits include an increase in the amount of collagen in the skin, which can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and other stigmata of aging. Other uses of LED light therapy include acne, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, scarring and sun damage.

Professional revitalizing gold mask

Post-Treatment Care

The treatment is really effective and extremely safe. However, due to the changes caused in the skin during the procedure, some post-treatment care is necessary.

During the first 48 hours after cleaning the skin, excessive exposure to the sun should be avoided. In addition, the application of acidic products, oily creams or any more aggressive cosmetic is contraindicated.

For this period, the use of soothing products that stimulate skin healing is indicated. The application of thermal water can also help. And of course, the use of sunscreen is essential.

It is normal for the skin to become a little more sensitive and with reddish regions during this period. Such changes tend to disappear in 2 to 3 days.

In case of complications, contact the responsible professional.

Good Skin Care Habits

It's not enough to clean your skin, you need to develop a care routine. In addition to expanding the benefits presented here, you will keep the results for even longer.

How about some tips?

  • Use sunscreen daily and make replacements every two hours
  • Moisturise the skin
  • Use specific cosmetics for your skin type
  • Do exfoliations
  • Eat well
  • Remove makeup before bed
  • Do proper skin hygiene

BB GLOW treatment

Have you ever dreamed of waking up to skin that looks as perfect as flawless foundation? It might sound too good to be true, but with the advancements in modern technology, it’s now a safe and achievable reality. Recognized for its safety and efficacy, it’s no wonder BB Glow Treatment is gaining immense popularity. It stimulates skin rejuvenation and collagen production. The BB glow serum adds nutrients as well as your desired colour to your skin. The treatment leads to fewer freckles, brighter and radiant skin, reduced skin discolouration, even skin tone, and fewer wrinkles and fine lines.


  • Intensive humidification
  • Reduction of spots
  • Skin lightening
  • Smooth skin texture
  • Reduction of injuries or scars
  • Even skin color
  • Reduction of fine lines
  • Reduction of couperose


  • BB GLOW serums do not contain any chemicals
  • BB GLOW Serum is a product of plant origin
  • BB GLOW is a unisex treatment that can be performed on both men and women of any age
  • BB GLOW evens out the skin tone, giving it a bright and radiant appearance
  • BB GLOW can be used around the eyes if you have dark circles

Benefits of BB Glow

Enhanced Skin Tone and Texture

This procedure gives the illusion of wearing foundation even when there’s none on your skin. While the motive might stem from aesthetics, the resulting confidence surge can be transformational for people battling acne scars since it offers a semi-permanent solution to mask them.

Reduction of Hyperpigmentation and Discoloration

The BB glow treatment offers more than a superficial solution to reducing hyperpigmentation and discoloration. It provides light to medium coverage as a camouflaging agent, subtly masking these imperfections and creating a more even skin tone.

In our prime, collagen is abundant and naturally replenished; however, its natural production dwindles as time progresses. This decline results in wrinkles, compromised skin elasticity, and diminished firmness. Fortunately, the BB Glow Treatment acts as a catalyst for collagen production, which in turn aids in enhancing skin elasticity and mitigating the hallmarks of aging.


BB glow takes about 1 hour, including skin preparation time. You will see instant results after the first session, but you may require 4 sessions with 2-week intervals for long-lasting effective results. You can visit us for maintenance treatment every 4 to 5 months.

The overall costs depend on the number of sessions needed, and the professional’s specific rates.


After the treatment, you will be unable to wash your face for 24 hours.

Aftercare tips include:

  • Avoid wearing makeup for 3 days
  • Avoid sunbathing, including sunbeds
  • Avoid using any scented skincare products
  • Avoid saunas, hot tubs, hot showers and baths, and hairdryers for 48 hours (shower and bathe with room temperature water and use a hairdryer on medium to low setting)
  • Avoid swimming for 7 days
  • Avoid washing your face for 24 hours
  • Avoid eating spicy food and seafood for 3 days
  • Avoid using retinol products and vitamin C for 8 weeks
  • Wear a moisturizing cream with an SPF 30 or higher

Microneedling: Collagen Induction Therapy

Do you suffer from dull, wrinkled or ageing skin?

Is your complexion compromised by acne scars, hyperpigmentation or large, clogged pores? Microneedling could be the answer!

What is Microneedling?

Microneedling is a cosmetic procedure that encourages collagen production using tiny, sterilized needles. It may help smooth, firm, and tone skin and improve the appearance of scars, acne, and wrinkles. It’s safe, effective and hugely popular with men and women of all ages.

Benefits of Microneedling

1 – Reduce Your Fine Lines & Wrinkles

Struggling with dull, ageing skin? Microneedling benefits include reversing some of the signs of ageing by reducing fine lines and wrinkles such as crows feet, smile lines, smokers lines and forehead creases.

2 – Minimize Your Pore Size

Large pores can be a real problem. Not only are they unsightly, but having big pores can make you more prone to skin problems such as acne and blackheads.

3 – Tighten Your Skin

Loose or sagging skin on your face can make you look older than your years and leave you suffering from low confidence.

4 – Stimulate Collagen Production

Collagen is essential for strong, smooth and healthy-looking skin. Using medical skin needling treatments, we can instruct your body to produce more, stronger collagen.

5 – Improve Scars

One of the lesser-known microneedling benefits is its ability to reduce scarring. Acne scars, burns, stretch marks and other scarring can be improved with microneedling.

6 – Reduce Hyperpigmentation

Using medical microneedling, we can encourage your body to break down deposits of melanin and replace the cells with new, fresh and normal-colored skin.

How Does It Work?

During a microneedling treatment, we use a specialist machine that makes microscopic puncture holes in the skin. These punctures stimulate healing, replacing old cells and creating more collagen and elastin.

Preparing for Microneedling

Before the procedure, you may need to stop taking certain medications, such as ibuprofen and acne treatments (like Accutane).

How Many Micro-Needling Treatments Will I Need?

You will need multiple sessions depending on your skin condition. Acne may require at least 4 – 6 sessions for visible improvement.

Optimal Care for Skin After Microneedling

Since your skin channels are open and sensitive after your procedure, it’s best to avoid sun exposure, skincare products with alpha-hydroxy acids, retinol, makeup, and sweating.

Side Effects of Microneedling

While microneedling is safe, some short-term side effects include swelling, redness, skin flaking, and itchiness.


Unfortunately, not all treatments are for everyone. If you have conditions such as hemophilia, rosacea, severe acne, lupus, or are pregnant/nursing, you may not be a candidate for microneedling.

Plasma pen

Jet Plasma is the most advanced state-of-the-art technology that brightens, tightens, & remodels the cellular structure of the skin from the inside out while building collagen. It is highly effective with long-lasting results. This treatment is non-surgical, non-invasive, and has zero downtime.

It is used for non-surgical eyelifts, eye bags, tightening skin on the neck and around the mouth, hand rejuvenation as well as mole, skin tag and wart removal.

What areas can be treated?

Jett Plasma can be used to remove skin lesions, excess skin and for the reduction of lines and wrinkles by tissue sublimation without cutting. It can be used for the following:

Non-surgical blepharoplasty (eye lid skin tightening)

Skin lesions such as fibromas, warts, papillomas, xanthelasma and skin tags.

What is it used for?

Removal of creases/wrinkles around the mouth and eyes

Improves acne scarring

Reduces pigmentation spots

Improves loose skin and stretch marks

Skin tag removal

Wart removal

Mole removal

How does Plasma Skin Lesion Removal work?

When the handpiece is directed onto the skin lesion, such as a mole or skin tag, the high-energy plasma interacts with the tissue, causing it to heat up rapidly. This thermal energy effectively vaporises and breaks down the cells of the skin lesion, leading to its removal. The heat generated by the plasma can also cauterise the surrounding blood vessels, reducing bleeding during the procedure. The treated area then forms a scab, which eventually falls off, leaving behind smoother skin.

Removal of Warts with Plasma Jet

Warts afflict a great many people. Not only is it quite tricky to get rid of them sometimes, but they often return because of their viral origin. A laser plasma pen removes them safely and for good. How does the treatment work and who is it suitable for?

How Does the Treatment Work?

The latest generation of plasma pens operate at low temperature and high frequency. The wart is burnt instantly when applying the pen the first time and permanently removed. The type of treatment means that blood vessels shrink away immediately and the procedure is completely free of bleeding.

Afterwards, a scab forms where the wart was situated, which protects the skin from infection, giving it time to regenerate. Within about a week, the scab comes off naturally.

How Painful is a Plasma Treatment?

A local anaesthetic is used before commencement of the procedure. So the pain from the treatment should be minimal. The healing process can cause some mild discomfort but over-the-counter pain relief can be taken to help.

It’s best to undergo the procedure during the colder months, but this isn’t really necessary. The treatment lasts around 15–30 minutes, depending on the number of areas involved.

Plasma Pen After Care

  • Do not get the treatment area wet for 48 hours and do not apply any cosmetic or cosmeceutical products on the treated area except the supplied healing product.
  • A mild to intense sunburn-like sensation is anticipated. This usually resolves within 2-3 hours of treatment but may persist for up to 2 days.
  • Application of CLEAN cold compress or an ice pack every hour for 5 to 10 minutes may be soothing and reduce swelling.
  • Completely avoid sun exposure to treated areas for the first 48 hours.
  • On day 3, start applying a sunscreen with SPF 30 or greater daily to sun-exposed treated areas for at least 4-6 weeks after treatment.
  • Avoid strongly scented lotions or soaps, prescription strength exfoliant creams, loofah sponges, and aggressive scrubbing to treated areas during healing phase.
  • Allow any blistered or open areas to heal naturally. Picking may result in infection or scarring.

Healing Process for Plasma Treatments

Day 1

Swelling and fluid retention may occur, especially around the eyes. A dry cold compress can be used to mitigate this. Swelling is a natural part of the healing process.

Day 1 - 4

Swelling peaks upon waking. The area may feel hot, like a sunburn, for the first 24 hours. Treatment zones will feel tight and slightly itchy from days 2-5.

Day 5

Dots will begin to shed naturally and may continue up to day 10. Mineral makeup is permitted from day 3.

Day 10

By day 10, carbon dots should be gone, and you can resume normal activities.

Week 2 – 4

Treated areas might appear slightly pink and tender.

Weeks 5 – 8

Continued improvement in texture, look, and feel. By week 8, the treated area should blend completely.

Month 3 – 6

Reschedule appointment for the next treatment if necessary.


  • Allergic to local anesthesia and disinfectants
  • Cancer
  • Pregnant or lactating
  • Skin disease or inflammation

Should you have any questions or concerns about your treatment, please contact us.

Chemical peel

What Are the Benefits of a Chemical Peel and Which Type Is Right for You?

A chemical peel is a restorative cosmetic procedure that may help reduce the signs of aging on your face. During a chemical peel, the professional will apply a chemical solution to your skin. This solution peels away damaged skin cells, allowing healthy skin to grow in their place.

This may help improve common skin concerns, such as:

  • Wrinkles
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Acne
  • Uneven skin texture

However, the exact results will depend on many factors, including the severity of your skin issues and the type of peel you receive.

What to know about different types of chemical peels

We can work with you to help determine the best for your skin and the concerns you’re looking to treat.

Light chemical peel

A light chemical peel, or superficial peel, will lightly exfoliate your skin. It only removes the epidermis, which is your topmost skin layer.

A light chemical peel is usually used for:

  • Fine wrinkles
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Acne
  • Dry skin

This treatment uses mild chemical agents, so it’s usually safe to get light chemical peels every 2 to 5 weeks.

Medium chemical peel

A medium chemical peel is slightly stronger than a light peel. It removes your epidermis plus the top layer of your dermis, which lies beneath the epidermis.

A medium peel is typically used for:

  • Wrinkles
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Acne scars

What are the benefits?

Chemical peels can improve many skin issues. Let’s look at some of the most common ones that chemical peels may help treat.


Acne is a common inflammatory skin condition. It’s often treated with topical products or oral medication, but chemical peels may also help.

The procedure can:

  • Break down comedones (plugged hair follicles)
  • Decrease oil production
  • Kill bacteria
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Increase absorption of topical treatments

Light and medium chemical peels are usually used to improve acne.

Acne scars

As acne heals, the skin creates new collagen fibers in an attempt to repair lesions that have been created by inflamed skin.

The production of new collagen fibers can create hypertrophic scars, which are bumpy and raised, or atrophic scars, which create depressions in your skin.

A chemical peel can help by exfoliating the top skin layer, which removes excess collagen. Medium chemical peels are typically recommended for acne scars.


Rosacea is an inflammatory skin condition that causes redness, swelling, and red bumps. If it also causes acne-like breakouts, it’s known as acne rosacea.

Sometimes, a chemical peel can help relieve these symptoms. It’s typically recommended for mild or moderate rosacea.

Aging skin

Chemical peels may reduce signs of aging, including:

  • Wrinkles
  • Fine lines
  • Age spots
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Roughness
  • Dryness
  • Liver spots

When skin grows back after a chemical peel, it triggers the production of collagen and elastin. This can help make your skin supple and strong, reducing the appearance of wrinkles.

The new skin that grows back is also smoother, which helps decrease roughness and dryness.

Chemical peels aren’t recommended for removing deep wrinkles, however. It also won’t tighten sagging skin.


In addition to acne scars and age spots, chemical peels can improve other forms of hyperpigmentation, such as:

  • Uneven skin tone
  • Melasma
  • Freckles
  • Surgical scars
  • Scars due to injury
  • Discoloration due to sun damage


If you have a dull complexion, you may benefit from chemical peels.

The treatment allows new skin to resurface, which may help your complexion look brighter and healthier.

Who’s a good candidate for a chemical peel?

Like other cosmetic treatments, chemical peels are not appropriate for everyone.

You might be a good candidate if you have:

  • Generally healthy skin
  • Mild scarring
  • Superficial wrinkles
  • A lighter complexion

On the other hand, it’s best to avoid chemical peels if you:

  • Have sagging skin
  • Have deep wrinkles or scars
  • Frequently develop cold sores
  • Have a history of abnormal skin scarring
  • Have psoriasis or atopic dermatitis
  • Have a darker skin tone (higher risk of hyperpigmentation)
  • Have recently taken an oral acne treatment
  • Are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Have a compromised immune system
  • Have undergone radiation therapy or recent surgery
  • Have heart disease (if considering deep chemical peels)

Chemical Peel Aftercare

After a peel, there are some simple actions you can take to care for your skin and increase the effectiveness of the treatment. Here are our top tips for chemical peel aftercare:

  • Cleanse with cool water – Your skin will most likely be sensitive after treatment, and hot water will probably feel uncomfortable. Wash your face with cool water, and remember to pat dry rather than rub your skin.
  • Use a soap-free cleanser – Soap can dry out your skin and strip it of its natural oils, not a good thing when you’ve just had a deep exfoliation. It may also irritate your more sensitive skin.
  • Use a high SPF, broad-spectrum sunscreen – Using sunscreen is essential after a peel as your skin is more sensitive to sun damage. Use an SPF 30+ for at least 6 weeks after treatment.
  • Don’t exfoliate – Avoid exfoliating for at least 3 to 5 days after a light peel and perhaps weeks after a medium or deep peel.
  • Avoid touching your face – Try not to touch, pick, peel, or prod your skin.
  • Avoid high temperatures – Avoid saunas, prolonged sun exposure, or hot exercise classes.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise – You can return to your regular exercise routine after about 14 days.
  • Moisturize – Use a quality moisturizer regularly.
  • Avoid products containing retinol – Avoid retinol for 10 days after the treatment.
  • Don’t have another skincare treatment too soon – Wait at least 2 to 3 weeks.
  • Your practitioner knows best – Always listen to your dermatologist.

Lip Micropigmentation

Lip Micropigmentation is a technique of permanent make-up that utilizes an ultra-thin needle to implant pigment into the top layer of the lip skin to enhance lip colour, help thin or misshaped lips look more defined or simply help give dark patchy lip or highly pigmented lips a more even skin tone. Micropigmentation is a smudge-free, long-lasting treatment and helps restore confidence and self-esteem by enhancing the lip shape and colour. This procedure is suitable for both women and men.

Permanent lip makeup, also known as lip micropigmentation, is an innovative technique that allows you to enhance the beauty of your lips in the most natural and careful way. It helps intensify the color of your lips, giving them a seductive volume without the need for makeup, surgery, gels, or fillers.

Discover the secret to luscious and long-lasting lips with Lip Micro-Pigmentation. Our expert procedure offers a beautifully defined and fuller appearance that stays intact, without fading or smudging. Through precise outlining and color filling, we craft a customized look that complements your facial features and enhances your natural beauty. Whether you desire a subtle enhancement or a bolder statement, our skilled technicians will work closely with you to achieve your desired lip color and shape.

Additionally, Lip Micro-Pigmentation can effectively correct dark lips by neutralizing dark spots, resulting in a flawless and uniform color. Elevate your lip game with our transformative Lip Micro-Pigmentation service and embrace the allure of perfectly defined and vibrant lips. Schedule your appointment now and unveil the beauty of your enhanced lips with us.

What Are the Styles of Lip Permanent Makeup Available?

Here is the top permanent makeup for lips styles to pick from:

Soft Nude Lip Blush

Soft Nude Lip Blush is a microshading technique that uses nude pink colours to create density, it is great for clients who want that soft natural look. This technique is recommended for clients with overall lighter skin tones (with pink undertones in their skin).

Lipstick Shade Micropigmentation

Lipstick Shade Micropigmentation is a technique that uses a mix of different lipstick tone pigments to create a pigment colour closest to the clients chosen lipstick shade. This technique gives an appearance as though the client is wearing lipstick.

Dark Lip Neutralization

Dark Lip Neutralization is considered a pre-technique to Lipstick Shade Micropigmentation. This process utilizes colour theory to help balance out the lip colour to a more natural lip colour (by reducing patches of dark pigmentation on the lips). Dark lip neutralization can take 3 sessions to achieve the desired results.

Lasts up to 3 years, touch ups recommended annually.

Lip Micropigmentation Process

Lip Micropigmentation is mainly a 2-stage process. A touch-up is included and scheduled 4-6 weeks after the initial treatment to give the lips a fresh look. During touch-up, the technician will enhance the lip colour by working on the areas that need additional pigment.

Precautionary Measures

  • If the client has EVER had cold sores, lip tattooing CAN cause outbreaks, which will result in pigment loss. Clients MUST take their prescribed anti-viral medication (Valtrex) 2 days prior, day of and 2 days post procedure to prevent an outbreak.

  • If the client receives regular Botox or Fillers to their lips: they must have received it AT LEAST 4 weeks prior to the lip blush appointment.

The procedure takes about 2 – 3 hours based on the extent of work required and then depending on the client’s skin type and aftercare, yearly touch-ups are recommended to freshen up the look.

An anesthetic is applied to the lips to numb the area during the procedure. A secondary numbing is applied to keep the client comfortable throughout the entire process. Healing takes around 5 – 12 days, during which the lips will first appear dark, then fade to a light shade as it heals through the days and once the lips have gone to the stages of healing the true chosen lip colour will show.

Lip Aftercare

Lips will feel swollen and very dry after your treatment. With this procedure, you may apply as much Vaseline on clean lips several times a day if you like, but not for the first 24 hours. This should be done for at least 14 days post treatment. Just tap on skin and do not rub in no friction to the lip area.

There will be residual pigment coming off the lips for several days that can stain linens. After lips are no longer tender to the touch, they may become flaky. Do not pick or scratch at them. This may significantly reduce the amount of pigment uptake.

Avoid the sun and tanning beds pre & post procedure. Be sure to use a zinc sunblock once lips are healed. Please be advised it is a good idea to brush your teeth with just water for 72 hours, post treatment.

Redness, swelling, tenderness, dryness, the appearance of uneven color and lines are all common post treatment side effects and will dissipate in a short period of time after swelling and flaking. They will be very dark & unevenly swollen for the first 48-72 hours.

Don’t worry, the pigment will fade considerably. Avoid oily, salty, acidic foods while healing. Lips are a muscle and will need 1 to 3 sessions to complete the process of this procedure. Lips can be very unpredictable. Some clients will yield very strong healed lip color. Others will only heal with slight color uptake. This will vary on an individual basis. Lips heal in 3 stages: way too dark, too light, just right.

Clients with sun damage, scar tissue (from injury or fever blisters) and clients with lip filler may not have strong results. Hyperpigmentation can happen on any lip client without warning. Fever Blisters are a known side effect of all lip procedures. Clients are asked to go to their doctor or dentist for an anti-viral medication prior to any lip procedure, to help avoid an outbreak prior if there is any history.

Who is considered a good candidate for Lip Micropigmentation?

  • People who wish to enhance the appearance of their lips
  • People who are allergic to traditional cosmetics or make-up
  • People who want to cover mismatched lip colour/scars/dark lips or want a permanent smudge-proof lip colour
  • People who like to display a 'no make-up', beautiful put together look always


Any cosmetic procedure has strict prohibitions. First of all, your health depends on it, so do not ignore the following information. If you have a history of systemic skin diseases – psoriasis, eczema, vitiligo, you will have to avoid the procedure. Permanent makeup is not recommended for pregnant women and nursing mothers. It is also strictly prohibited for people with blood diseases, diabetes, oncological diseases, active disease with high body temperature.

We wish you only delightful results and, of course, unsurpassed beauty!

Hydra Gloss Lips

Hydra Gloss Lips is an advanced treatment aimed at improving and hydrating your lips, making them look fuller, more beautiful, and healthier. This involves a non-invasive treatment where we use a Dermapen to penetrate a special formula of nourishing ingredients deep into the skin of your lips. These are not injectables; the treatment is completely natural.

Hydra gloss can also help with hyperpigmentation on the lips!

The micro needles will penetrate the lips to produce collagen and keep them moisturized for up to 3 months!

For severe dryness, we do recommend this treatment monthly and definitely add on prior to your lip blush procedure and remember it's PAINLESS.

Dry lips

In winter, during periods of sun exposure, and during seasonal transitions, many people suffer from dry lips. We're accustomed to immediately applying lip balm. It may seem like these products provide good care and nourishment to your lips, but they mainly consist of mineral oil such as paraffin, petroleum, or vaseline. These products completely seal the skin of your lips, preventing moisture from evaporating and temporarily giving you a feeling of hydration.

However, what actually happens is that dead skin cells are trapped, and the natural skin renewal process is slowed down and eventually even halted. Your skin becomes unbalanced, produces less of its own natural oils, and eventually can't repair itself anymore. This is why these products are so addictive; you need more and more to avoid the feeling of dry lips. So, don't fall for these balms; opt for a truly hydrating treatment and/or product for your lips.

How does it work?

During the Hydra Gloss Lips treatment, a special formula of nourishing ingredients (including Hyaluronic Acid) is first applied to your lips. Then, the Dermapen is used to bring the active ingredients deep into the skin through superficial microperforations. This stimulates natural collagen production and improves the absorption of hydrating ingredients, intensively hydrating and nourishing your lips. Additionally, the treatment provides a subtle gloss, giving your lips an immediate healthy and radiant appearance.

What are the benefits?

  • Hydration: Hydra Gloss Lips provides deep hydration to your lips, reducing dryness and flakiness.
  • Volume: Due to intense hydration, your lips may appear fuller and firmer.
  • Rejuvenation: The treatment helps reduce fine lines and wrinkles around the lips, promoting a youthful appearance.
  • Gloss: Enjoy a beautiful, natural gloss that instantly makes your lips more attractive.

Who is a good candidate for Lip Gloss treatment?

Anyone who wants to improve the appearance of their lips may be a good candidate for lip treatment. Gloss Lips. This procedure is ideal for those looking for:

  • Increase the volume of your lips.
  • Improve the shape and definition of your lips.
  • Get a shiny and healthy finish.

How long do the results last?

The results of the treatment of Gloss Lips can last several months, depending on individual factors such as metabolism and post-treatment care. To maintain the results, we recommend touch-up sessions according to the instructions of our specialists.


  • Avoid Direct Sun Exposure: For at least 48 hours after your treatment, minimize sun exposure. If you must go outside, apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher.
  • Gentle Cleansing: Use a mild cleanser for the first few days. Avoid harsh scrubs or exfoliants that can irritate your skin.
  • Hydration is Key: Keep your skin well-hydrated by using a gentle moisturizer. Look for products that contain hyaluronic acid or other hydrating ingredients.
  • Skip Makeup: If possible, refrain from applying makeup for at least 24 hours post-treatment to allow your skin to breathe and heal.
  • Avoid Heat: Steer clear of saunas, hot showers, and intense workouts for 24-48 hours, as heat can irritate the skin.
  • No Chemical Treatments: Avoid chemical peels, microdermabrasion, and other invasive treatments for at least a week.
  • Limit Active Ingredients: Refrain from using products with retinoids, acids, or active ingredients for a few days to prevent irritation.
  • Reschedule Your Next Appointment: To maintain the benefits of LED light therapy, be sure to schedule your next session. Regular treatments will help you achieve and sustain optimal results.


Although Hydra Gloss Lips with Dermapen is a safe and effective treatment for most people, there are some contraindications to consider. These include:

  • Active skin infections: If you have cold sores or herpes simplex, the treatment should be postponed until the infection is completely healed to prevent spread. For inactive herpes simplex, the treatment is adjusted to prevent outbreaks.
  • Open wounds or irritations: The treatment cannot be performed if you have wounds or severe irritations in the lip area.
  • Allergies: Individuals with known allergies to the ingredients used in the Hydra Gloss Lips formula cannot undergo this treatment.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding: Pregnant or breastfeeding women should consult with their doctor before undergoing the treatment.
  • Recent cosmetic procedures: If you have recently undergone cosmetic procedures such as injectables, fillers, or laser treatments, you should wait until the skin is fully healed.

Price List - Andressa Beauty Studio

Brazilian Deep Cleansing Skin
Price €150,00
Duration 01:30/02:00 hours
✓ Cleansing, acne removal, skin rejuvenation, ultrasonic peeling, diamond peeling, LED therapy.
BB Glow Treatment
Single Session €130,00
3 Sessions €290,00
5 Sessions €445,00
BB Concealer (Eyes only) €50,00
Whole Face €175,00
Whole Face & Neck €195,00
Full Face (3 treatments) €400,00
Full Face (6 treatments) €600,00
Face Wax
Forehead €15,00
Upper Lip €10,00
Full Face (Excl. Eyebrows) €40,00
Full Face (Incl. Eyebrows) €50,00
Body Wax
Full Back €35,00
Full Arms €40,00
Full Legs €50,00
Full Body Wax €175,00